Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 Six weeks in Motel Six

Countless trips to Lowe’s 

Watching gas rise from 2.95 to 3.89 out our window ( gas station was our view)

Listening to every language possible as vans of people would disengorge last in the evenings and pile into the three rooms at the end of the hall- only to be stuffed back in with a different driver at 5 am.

Taking doggies to “day care” so they would not get run over by a construction vehicle. Then their joyful play when I picked them up early. ( Sleeping upside down in front of the hotel air conditioner).

Allergy meds for the smoke from the California fires.

Living with little internet and no real chairs. 

Picking countless finishes and trying hard not to step on too many toes.

Three deficiencies on final inspection

Switching around fire alarms for CO2 alarms

And we are IN!

Pictures will be on this post when we have enough band width!