Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Seasons of life

 The pandemic clearly put into perspective different seasons of life for our family.

We moved to help a daughter's family while their children were little. Negotiating a new area while trying to balance a growing family brought challenges. Appointments, walks in the area, shopping. Since we had BTDT being a military family we were acutely aware of the challenges. Since we were at a good season of transition, moving to help was a good thing. The bonus prize happened when our son moved into the same area. I, especially, have loved holding babies, running with toddlers and giving tools for reading. It has been a season of pure joy. Visiting museums, seeing sites, watching dolphins---all great!

 After 75,000 miles of driving, the pandemic made it clear that the distance in miles and time made it almost impossible to be of help. Suddenly, we were the ones in need. And we have every desire to not be in need, but be of purpose. 

Transition is hard for all involved. The adult children feel the desire to connect and would like us to be close enough to connect on a monthly basis.  We are way too young to be sitting in the window waiting for a car. 

We are creatures of moving and changing. Neither my husband nor I have lived in the same place more then seven years since we were each 18. I went to three universities, taught in three schools before we were married. He also went to university before Vietnam. After that time he spent summer and fall in northern Idaho and Alaska earning money while spending winter semesters at University for nine years. After meeting, and marrying, we averaged 18 months in a place. 

But I digress

This time we are moving solely for us. A place we desire to live. Mountains, rivers and an easy drive to the coast. We both love to hike and fish. We love winter...really. I love the PCH and the sunshine when I put the top down on my convertible. We look forward to helping in a community that is growing like a weed. We want to help new people coming to be citizens. We want to be a part. 

We have no hesitation about getting on a plane to visit. The visits will be with purpose and joy. Maybe we will meet places. That would be fine as well. They know they are firmly in our hearts- and we in theirs. 

And then, maybe in ten or so years, it will be time to transition again. This time for more help, need and the purpose for them will be us. That is good as well. Every season.... 

1 comment:

  1. Janette, you write so eloquently. Go, enjoy, bless, and be blessed in your new home!! 😊
