His work took him there often.
He and his traveling companion were sitting in a car with two mid grade Chinese officers.
Before you think that is unusual,
everyone in China is in the Army
until they are dismissed (usually around 60).
If you figure on one tenth of the population could travel in those years, and one tenth of the middle aged men were officers in the military. That makes about 60 million officers (Our entire military is 1.3mil)
Ok, you get the idea.
The conversation was fascinating enough for him to come home to me and relate it back. Let's start at the beginning.

China is the center of the world.
China was still relatively poor at that point. They had limited their population and taken the best and brightest to their cities to educate them. Still, it was not unusual to see the majority of the population out in the fields harvesting rice or potatoes.
There was a plan a foot to get to that center once again.
They figured that they could not beat us militarily, but could economically.
And so the discussion
How to beat the US economically.
They knew they could manipulate their own currency.
They also knew that they could make the US/Western companies, who wanted cheap labor and pollute their land (instead of their own), give them everything they wanted to make a buck.
They knew that they could depend on the grace of the US to educate many of their top people.They also had watched the droning of Japan with PacMan and Tetrus and knew they could do that other places. Placate the masses.
Hummmm. And right there they began discussing China 2025. Did these two Americans think it would be possible to manipulate the US into believing China just wanted to grow and not take over?
Did they think this was possible?
Of course, our men told them, no way. 2025? That was SOOO far away.
My husband left that all behind when he retired the first time.
But his traveling companion continued in the field
and worked in and around China for the next 20 years.
Fast forward to 2016 election time. Our friend was sitting on our couch, stating that the US was no longer a leader in the world, but a follower. His think tank was full of proof.
The Chinese had exploited their way through Africa and Western Asia- enslaving in many ways- by paying off oligarchs of every country. Human rights were being ignored by the "free world" because it was the cost of doing business.
He was still in a bit of shock that the US had become so dependent on China to build some of the most sophisticated technology, but that was capitalism. Even more so the Western world had signed a treaty that would give China ten more years to pollute even more so they could get their policy done. They had even purchased many corporate farms in the bread basket of our country.
He was explaining how that conversation-so many years ago- was now China policy. And China 2025 was a reality.
He was sad that our country would be much like England.- a power of the past. But we would be fine. China really doesn't want to be in charge of the low people. Just go with the flow.
Our friend had been "gloated to" and 2025 was a "go" since Hillary was a shoe in.
And then the election happened.
Well, for better or worse, empires come and go. First it was the Europeans, then the Americans and in the future perhaps the Chinese. But it's not set in stone. Remember when the Japanese were going to take over the world in the 1980s? Didn't happen. And the U. S. still has plenty of natural and intellectual resources.
ReplyDeleteI love good political discord. Thanks Tom
ReplyDeleteAre you saying that One China is an OK idea? That they are, in any way, like the puny Japan (128 million vs 1.3 Billion people)?
I have friends in Hong Kong. Last weekend they could not use the subway since Central was on fire. Freedom is slipping away....
Islands in the China sea have been built (and accepted by the last administration) and are now armed. China is now pushing that the international waters are now theirs - shipping lanes and all.
Uyghers--Muslims---are being "housed in Hun Chinese homes to be "reeducated" and disappear when they object. Really? That is OK?
The Chinese have permission to pollute to their heart's content until 2030 when they "need to" help in the cause. Last time my friend went to China- he went with his own oxygen tank. If we REALLY believe in climate change---then we have plenty of natural and intellectual resources to care for it?
I think it is funny that the "worry' is about Russia---when China is doing so much more to harm us in so many ways.
This is a Churchill vs Chamberlian movement and so many are excited to side with Chamberlian---because they don't have to worry about themselves for a LONG time.