Sunday, January 9, 2022

Looking forward to

 Small nuclear plants and inexpensive energy for everyone.

This is my son’s field and I have become convinced this is the way to go. Gone of the days of horrid fall out and pollution with the 1970 plants with these babies. The key is small with good safeguards. We SO need to get out of fossil fuels. I am not sure why people cannot see the whole nuc stop is fueled by the oil industry.

An EV vehicle. I am determined that we will make it a few more years with what we have, but am saving for an EV. There is rumor that a small nuclear plant will be available in our are, so there will be electricity to support an EV. Either nuclear  or hydro- I don’t want to support an EV vehicle using electricity produced by fossil fuel.

Paying taxes on miles driven rather then oil used. I know this will give up some personal freedom of tracking my miles, but I think this makes more sense. To me it would help states take a better look at EV.

Not seeing the horrid windmills on the tops of our mountains for California energy. California says it is going green- but it is  through the destruction of the land and birds (and waters)  in the western states near them.

Buying 50-70% of my foods and clothing from local people. My grandmother only had a few dresses all of her retired life. Why do I need more? Food is easier.  I pay a higher price, but my foods have less and less preservatives. Meats are key. Few if no “company meat”. I appreciate people who are vegan. We enjoy much smaller cuts that are local.We have found a few restaurants that also are about local. If not local- things grown or made in North America. I’ve done research and have been shocked at how much of our diet is grown here- but processed overseas. 

Common discourse. No shaming, name calling, just a good discussion on what is going on and how to fix it. Or enjoy it. I think this is the least likely thing to happen. I am trying to break my own habit. It isn’t easy. So much easier to degrade someone then to look at why and how the other person does or thinks things. 


  1. Have the scientists figured out what to do with the waste? That's concerning to me.

  2. June of last year we bought a KIA EV Hybrid. We were not ready to take the complete plunge into an EV but we do get 26 miles using electric after every charge so we only put gas in, once every 6 weeks to 2 months depending on how far we drive. Fortunately everything we do is within that 26 miles.

    We couldn't be happier with it. Here in California, our gas prices are going through the roof and it was costing us close to $300-400 a month for our van. For now, we've parked the van to the side f the house and lord willing, when gas prices go down we will use that for camping etc.
