Saturday, January 1, 2022

Working on it! Goals

 Last year was a complete crazy time.

Now it is time to really get things in line.

I live in the West now, close to streams and mountains. A frozen tundra right now- it is amazing. 


Get back to reading the Bible (or listening to it) every day

Attend a physical Church twice a month

Tithe to the small Spanish mission church in the next town 

Work on daily prayer - include prayer beads for meditation


Find a GP and go to them!

Figure out why my elbow is out of sorts

Walk or exercise daily for an hour

Continue to lose weight - 20 down - 60 to go- I can do it. 

Find healthy foods that satisfy my sweet tooth

Learn to cook on the dutch over (that means setting it up, doing the fire as well as the actual food)


Finish the lawn and begin my gardens

Begin buying twenty pounds of rice a month for the mission church

Finish sinking fund for a new truck in 2023 or 2024

Continue monthly contributions to travel fund and grand's education

Give each family a membership to someplace fun

Start Pensions and Medicare on my birthday. 

Start reinvesting money

Save at 15- 20% monthly for nest egg for future fun. Spend it when the fun shows up.

Write and sign new wills

Figure out how I messed up taxes and how not to do it again this year


Go somewhere every month- 

Phoenix, Baltimore, Yellowstone, San Diego, Honolulu are all on the "almost paid for" list. What else?

Consider, fully, purchasing a small camp trailer for a trip to Alaska in the summer. 

Begin planning 2023 trip to Ancestral homelands

Learn to

Speak better Spanish


Try a new recipe every month

Limit my use of




Find a

Social Group to do things with.

Time weekly to spend with my sister in law

1 comment:

  1. Great goals. I have an episcopal rosary and that it what I use for my ten minute meditations.
